Become an ECPRO Member

Join ECPRO and get involved with a network of PR professionals from this area. Our members work in a variety of jobs, including non-profits, healthcare, financial, advertising, communications, military support, and more. Our meetings are educational and fun. Attend a meeting and meet new friends who share similar work experiences although their jobs vary.

Membership Benefits

ECPRO membership includes the following services and benefits:

  • Monthly professional development meetings

  • Five-minute PR Challenge

  • Membership in the Southern Public Relations Federation (SPRF) which represents PR organizations from Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, northwest Florida

  • Universal representation in the North American Public Relations Council (NAPRC)

  • Regional and local membership directories

  • Annual Conferences and SPRF Workshops

  • Annual Professional Achievement Competition and Lantern Award Competition

  • Universal Accreditation support

  • Ability to post Public Relations jobs on our website

We appreciate support from small businesses and know that they are vital to the Emerald Coast of Florida and especially in the world of Public Relations. Many of our member-based businesses have assisted our organization in growing and developing our website.  If you would like to contribute or get more involved contact us.

Membership Types

1) PR Professional

$150 Annual Dues – Voting Membership
Open to individuals who devote at least fifty percent (50%) of their permanent employment to public relations activities and have a minimum of one year of professional experience in the following fields: publicity, advertising, press agency, public affairs, lobbying, issues management, fundraising or development.

2) Non-PR Professional

$150 Annual Dues - Voting Membership

Open to a professional currently employed in or retired from a field or position that is not directly involved in public relations or does not meet the requirements of a PR Professional as defined above.

3) Student

$25 Annual Dues – Non-Voting Membership
Open to full-time college students interested in a public relations career.

Note: There is a $10 processing fee on applications for new memberships. The fee does not apply to membership renewals.

Professional Development

ECPRO is dedicated to professional development. The ECPRO executive board is committed to devising, formulating and implementing effective and appropriate communication programs for their members. Once a month members meet for a luncheon, which provides networking opportunities and features a guest speaker. Speakers address various PR functions and how they relate to their particular business situations.

Community Involvement

ECPRO members are civic-minded and contribute to the local community in a number of ways. For 20 years, one of ECPRO's endeavors was the sponsorship of the Student Public Relations and Media Competition for students in Okaloosa and Walton counties. These community activities resulted in the creation of the Emerald Coast Public Relations Foundation (ECPR) Foundation in 2005. ECPRO continues to look for opportunities to serve its community.

Annual Membership Application

We’re pleased to invite you to become a member! ECPRO strives to make each new year a valuable and exciting one for our members. Please fill out the application form below and we’ll get back to you soon!

For additional ECPRO information, please contact us.